
Showing posts from 2011

Bless You

So I am sitting out in the living room watching some tennis and crocheting while the kids are in Jer Jer's bedroom looking at the books they got at the library and watching one of their new movies.. I sneeze and I hear Jer Jer yell "Oh Mommy are you ok" - I say "Yes, thank you honey", he's such a good boy :) The he replys "Your welcome Mommy, I am glad your ok".. These little conversations with the kids are my favorite!! I wish I could remember to write them all here so I can remember them later and tell them or their kids but I always forget

Lennox Eye Surgery

So Lennox had some eye surgery to remove a few tumors on his eyes the other day (very common in Pugs (the vet assured me). Well we brought him home and he was Wild Man Jack around town... He missed his kids and they missed him!!! So I had to put drops in his eyes 3x a day for a week (I think it was a week??) and he let me, no fighting and the kids like it too.. Here is a story of Addi and Jer Jer getting in on the action ME: Lennox come up here on the ottoman it's medicine time ME: Good boy (drops are in) ADDI: (sitting on the couch watching) Mommy, my eyes hurt, I need drops too JER JER: (sitting beside Addi) Eyes hurt too, need drops - Me too!! ME: No guys these are only for dogs ADDI: Mommy, go to the store and get me some, my eyes hurt JER JER: Me too (my little me too bird:P) ME: Your eyes dont hurt, lets go.. And this conversation or variations of them have replayed every day since the 16th.. These kids keep me laughing :) I am SOO thankful for them


Holy mac and cheese its been a while since I posted.. As I sit here, telling my mom, who is in Pa funny storys of the kids I thought "I am gonna start posting these on my blog"!!! So from this point, its funny as all heck stories!!! Get your kleenex incase you laugh till you cry and sit back and enjoy the stories!!!