
Well since everyone else is doing it I might as well do it too!! I also figured this is a good way to updated people on things that are going on in our lives that don't talk to us on a regular basis!

So we recently re-sodded our backyard. We only started out putting some out under our tree because grass hadn't grown there from the previous owners dog, but it looked so dang good compared to the rest of our yard that I had the brilliant idea to do our full yard.. It looks so nice!!! It was a lot of work but the payoff will be fantastic! At least the kids can run around without shoes on, like we did growing up up North! We planted a few Crotons, a rose bush and a Red Banana Tree for some color and flowers in the yard. The tree is my fav!! I just love it!!

We went to the zoo this weekend as well. Addison LOVES the animals. Sometimes we spend 5 minutes or saying Hi and Bye to them. Since our zoo isn't that big and takes around a half hour to make it thru it entirely we go often. I bought a membership so we could go everyday if we felt like it.. Well yesterday at the zoo we had an episode. We were looking at the new Flamingo and Duck exhibit and Jer Jer's shoe fell off of him into the duck pond below. We couldn't get it out. So as Jeremy was making a dash to look for someone who worked there (why is it when you need someone you can't find them and when you don't need someone they are milling around?) the shoe starts floating. Mind you, if this was a cheap shoe or he had got some wear out of it or they were hand me downs from Addi, I wouldn't have cared. However, I finally found a pair of sandals for him that looked cute and I paid $10.00 for them. Ughh it killed me to pay that much but I couldn't find anything in his size I liked. So I was not leaving the zoo with out the shoe if I had to go fight the ducks myself. Finally a nice gentleman broke a stick offf the tree and got it for us (Jeremy still hadn't found anyone) and I took all shoes off!!!

So that was pretty much our weekend!!


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