Damn IT..

That's right I cursed...

So on Wednesday when Jeremy was on his way to Minnesota for some work trip and all my Ebay auctions and emails needed to be tended to, my wonderful "dependable" piece of crap Acer laptop broke... Figures right... But it also taught me a few lessons.

1. Never let Jeremy pick the computer products again.. I though I would listen because a friend of ours talked it up and Jeremy thought it would be good.. I should have gone with my instinct..

2. Everything happens for a reason, you just have to figure the reason out.. I got to work on a special project for a special person..

Then I kicked the ottoman 3 times and I think that my dang toes are broken. Well they might not be but they sure hurt like they are.

The final straw was when I took my ring to Kays to have a diamond replaced and they told me my warranty was void because I never once took it in and had it checked. MY ASS... I take it every 6 months or Jeremy takes it... So I flipped out on this sales woman, who I have dealt with before, whom is not personalable at all, and let her know because they didnt do their damn job in the store I have to suffer.. Well she was talking to me and I just walked away.. I'm not dealing with stupidity.. I will take my business elsewhere..

Ok done venting for now.. I miss my laptop and Jeremy, who comes home tonight.. Thank god!


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