Ruthless Rival by LJ Shen 

New release and it hits the spot

Christian didn't grow up as Christian or with a a silver spoon in his mouth and to be honest, he couldn't afford much as a child

Arya had a decent childhood except for her twin brother dying of SIDS and her love, Nicky being sent away

Both adults, and successful, Christian is a lawyer who has taken on a case against Ayra's father, which will be the greatest revenge. 

Ayra, at first believes her father but overwhelming evidence proves her wrong

Everything in her world falls apart including when she finds out Christian is Nicky. 

#RuthlessRival by #LJShen #3986 #30chapters #332pages #June2022 #310of300 #NewRelease #Book #22for12 #ChristianAndAyra #clearingoffreadingshelves #whatsnext #readitquick 


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