Cover Story by Susan Rigetti 

 loved this book!

It was very "Inventing Anna" like from Netflix and I didn't know that going in but quickly realized. I loved that show so that was a good thing.

Lora is having issues at NYU and it's not working out for her.

Cat is the con woman to beat all con women!

She gets Lora to help her with "her short stories" and they're going to publish a book.

Meanwhile behind the scenes, the gov't is following Cat and watching everything she does.

Things finally unfold and her con comes to an end but this is really the beginning for Lora

She's no longer the ghost writer, she's known as the writer and finally gets published!

I just reviewed Cover Story by Susan Rigetti. #CoverStory #NetGalley

#CoverStory by #susanRigetti #3882 #368pages #april2022 #36for18 #206of300 #audiobook #Overdrive #newrelease #clearingoffreadingshelves #whatsnext #readitquick 


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