
Showing posts from 2009

Merry Christmas

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas.. Here are the munchies in their pj's playing with Addi's new kitchen~

The wonderful world of..............

Oh my I LOVE crocheting.. I have gotten so many projects completed and even more on my list to do. I just can't get caught up. Everytime I do, I sell another or find 6 more to do!! But it's great, keeps the hands busy, the kids like the little toys and I can swap with all the other ladies on my various sites... On another note.. We, the kids and I; are making a trip to Pa this weekend!! WOOT WOOT.. It should be fun.. The last time we went, Jer Jer wasn't walking yet so he pretty much just sat there.. Now he's on the GO GO GO GO GO -- so the plane ride should be interesting.. But I have some surprises for them for the plane ride, which should work out great.

Twilight... Ohhh that Edward :)

So I got this pattern online and I just fell in love with it.. I couldn't bear to work on him because I didn't want to finish. I might have to make another, as my daughter just loves him.. Too cute -- last night I say "Say night night Jer Jer" and she says "NO, night night Edward" hahah -- he was laying right by the bed!! And here is Edward Cullen himself.. Isn't he just perfect..


If you love to scrapbook and haven't found those "perfect" additions to your page, check out these additions.. They are all hand drawn and just darling. If you would like any of these designs, please visit seller: cdm236 on Ebay or check the listing here:

Where has time gone??

TOO THE AMI'S!! The elephant is for Addi and Jer Jer -- we used to have 2 at our zoo but one died and the shipped the other one to another zoo since it's a "pack" animal, plus it was old anyway... The octopus is for a swap I joined in Cafemom (one of the greatest websites out there for moms!!) and it came out rather nicely!! This is a ghost for my soon to be brother in law -- he likes to ghost hunt.. Super cute right??? The giraffe was one of the 1st projects I tested out after I learned how to do this and my mom was gone... Whew, it was taxing but the toy is fun for the kids. We love the giraffe at the zoo, so now when they miss it they can "feed crackers" to this one! More to come!


This is the Japanese way of crochet or knit!! It's great.. I have tons and tons and tons of patterns that I have been trying to find someone to make for me but haven't been able to find anyone.. Well since my mom can crochet like the wind blows I figured while she was on vacation down here she was going to teach me!! WOOO HOOO and I created something.. I was (well am) sooo freaking excited.. I made a little bee, I used brown and purple for Addi and brown and orange for Jer Jer and the kiddos love them!! Have to do a little work on the faces but other than that they turned out just like the picture!! I can't wait to share more. Right now I am making a monkey..

Busy little bee..

Been super busy -- Addi turned 2 and my mom's been here for a visit.. Will update with what's been going on with the Donai's soon!!


My baby turned 2!! This is her cake for the family party that she decorated!! She picked it out, it was yellow and chocolate icing.. She just HAD to have sprinkles.. Little stinker.. She decorated them herself.. Her big party is on Saturday (with Grandma) and she's having a Hello Kitty theme (also Grandma's FAVORITE!!).. She was such a good girl, I can't believe it's been 2 years (and 3 days, lol) since she graced us with her presence. She is everything we could have asked for and more, you won't find 2 parents who are more boastful than us!!!

Back to the grind

We are back from vacation and have fallen back into old routines.. Hit the zoo today, we got a new Bengal Tiger. For all of you it might not be exciting but for us who go to the zoo 2 times a week it was a great excitement!! Addi had a blast today, a little timid about feeding the animals but she will get back into the groove..

It's cold!!

So we are in Pa for vacation!! It's 56 and cold and rainy here... UGHHHH On the plane yesterday the kids did great. We had a delay in Dallas and we were stuck there for what seems like forever. The kids were great though. They didn't fuss at all. They really didn't fuss on the plane either. Especially since they missed bedtimes, we got into Pittsburgh at midnight and bedtime is at 730ish in Texas, we could have had major meltdowns on our hands but not really. This is them at DFW looking for planes!

Time is FLYING by

We are getting ready for our family vacation to Pennsylvania!!! It should be interesting as most of the family has not met Jer Jer and he's never been on a plane... Can't wait to blog on that later.. Tata for now!!!

Happy Memorial Day

A day late... It was good here, nice and warm, but the kids had allergies, so we had runny noses and coughs. Yuck. Also meant we didn't get to do anything but spend the day in the house, another yuck. We did venture out to the backyard and found a baby bird - which in the pic Addi is asking Daddy if she can hold it (it's in a bucket, it was a blue jay)

Love this new site

Check this site out everyone -- its my mom's website.. It's pretty neat

Frustrated beyond belief

So I have this Acer laptop (known further as P.O.S.). The P.O.S. is literally a P.O.S. and I hate it.. I haven't had it for a month now. Hopefully they will just give me a new one and we can move on.. Best Buy has been really great though, I haven't had to pay anything.. On another note, the allergys are back for some reason - so the Donai household is sneezing, coughing and has red noses from the tissue wiping. Also we are counting down the days till our vaca to Pa. Can't freaking wait!! We've had great weather here in Texas and have been enjoying the zoo. See above with Addi and the spider monkey!! She just loves the animals - thank goodness we have on in our town!

Yay it's back!!

My stinking computer was gone... It went down when Jeremy went out of town, figures right, but then it's back today!! YAY... Thank goodness for my wonderful neighbor who let me borrow hers while Jeremy was away and Jeremy let me use his while this one was in the shop.. One thing I will tell you is I will never purchase another Acer (or POS, for short!!!).. More to follow

Damn IT..

That's right I cursed... So on Wednesday when Jeremy was on his way to Minnesota for some work trip and all my Ebay auctions and emails needed to be tended to, my wonderful "dependable" piece of crap Acer laptop broke... Figures right... But it also taught me a few lessons. 1. Never let Jeremy pick the computer products again.. I though I would listen because a friend of ours talked it up and Jeremy thought it would be good.. I should have gone with my instinct.. 2. Everything happens for a reason, you just have to figure the reason out.. I got to work on a special project for a special person.. Then I kicked the ottoman 3 times and I think that my dang toes are broken. Well they might not be but they sure hurt like they are. The final straw was when I took my ring to Kays to have a diamond replaced and they told me my warranty was void because I never once took it in and had it checked. MY ASS... I take it every 6 months or Jeremy takes it... So I flipped out on this sal

Hiding.. WHERE??

So I was in the shower yesterday and I heard all this banging around and I groaned to myself, Addi, please don't wake your brother (he was down for a nap).. But I could hear her in my room so I thought well at least she will be in here and not in the hall way which is a good thing.. So I get out of the shower and go check where she is. I couldn't find her. We have a rubbermaid container in our room that I am putting some winter stuff in and she likes to climb on it (and in hers outside) and as I walk by it I hear some snickers, which I did not pay any attention to and begin to search for her. I couldn't find her and started to get a little worried. I walk back into my room and she pops out and says Boo.. The little stinker!! We laughed and laughed over that.. She's sooo much fun!!! I loved it.

On the move!!!

Jer Jer is crawling!! We are so excited and couldn't believe it when it happened.. He has his reverse on still but he's on the move.. Poor Addi and Lennox, they are in for it now as he is anxiously awaiting to torment them both... Now if we can just get some teeth we will be good to go!

Please sleep tonight

Lately Jer Jer has not been sleeping.. I don't know what his deal is but he will sleep for a while and then wake up and be up for a while in the middle of the night.. Most of the time he wakes up because he rolls from his tummy to his back. He hates sleeping on his back and hasn't since he was about a month old.. I know I know they tell you to have them sleep on their back or their sides but when you are a new parent and a parent of a toddler, when you can get a little peace and quiet you get it. So I bought one of these things the other day, sleep positioner that you use when the baby is a new born and it seems to be working for the most part. Hopefully he will get thru this stage and sleep again. Now on to Addi.. I look thru the pass thru from the kitchen to hear giggling and I see Addi in Jer Jer's jumpy.. What is this girl thinking? Then she's yelling "Stuck stuck stuck" --- well hmmm wonder why in the heck your stuck??? See pic attached.. All in all April

Work Work Work

Well the yard is almost done. Although we keep getting things to add to it. We now have some Honeysuckle and Wandering Jews that we are going to plant. I would really like to put stone and some brick around our air conditioner just to make it stand out but Jeremy doesn't want to.


Well since everyone else is doing it I might as well do it too!! I also figured this is a good way to updated people on things that are going on in our lives that don't talk to us on a regular basis! So we recently re-sodded our backyard. We only started out putting some out under our tree because grass hadn't grown there from the previous owners dog, but it looked so dang good compared to the rest of our yard that I had the brilliant idea to do our full yard.. It looks so nice!!! It was a lot of work but the payoff will be fantastic! At least the kids can run around without shoes on, like we did growing up up North! We planted a few Crotons, a rose bush and a Red Banana Tree for some color and flowers in the yard. The tree is my fav!! I just love it!! We went to the zoo this weekend as well. Addison LOVES the animals. Sometimes we spend 5 minutes or saying Hi and Bye to them. Since our zoo isn't that big and takes around a half hour to make it thru it entirely we go often.