Things You Save in a Fire

 Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center

The story of a female firefighter who gets transferred from her home station to a new one where they’re not sure about her since she’s a female.

She’s constantly put with the rookie and called a rookie even though she’s got loads more experience than a lot of the guys at the new house.

She falls for the rookie and makes a bad decision to allow them to enter a fire and one of the other firefighters files a false report.

She’s suspended and the rookie is recovering, hopefully eh will wake up and coordinate her story as the truthful one.

#ThingsYouSaveInAFire by #KatherineCenter #4008 #29chapters #370pages #overdrive #332of300 #june2022 #41for21 #femalefighter #prettycover #clearingoffreadingshelves #whatsnext #readitquick


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