Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins 

Uhhhhh, this new release was fabulous. 

I started it while standing in line to get into my daughters swim meet and by the time I got in, I had read 150 pages. I couldn't stop, it was fabulous - I love when my BOTM books make it worth while with a great read.

Lux and her boyfriend, Nico are hired to sail 2 ladies to the South Pacific

Lux has doubts 

And she should, although she bonds quickly with the girls 

Once they reach the island, everything seems to be off

There is some random stranger just hanging around

The girls aren't truthful about their past

Group members keep turning up missing

Then one is dead

There is hardly any civilization and they're wondering who will make it out alive? 

#RecklessGirls by #RachelHawkins #3690 #29chapters #309pages #January2022 #14of300 #14for7 #COVIDreading #Book #NewRelease #BOTM #BOTMJanuary2022 #clearingoffreadingshelves #whatsnext #readitquick 


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